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England – London Life

Its been a couple of months since I left Australia, and this is my first London post. I wasn’t sure whether to do some travel when arriving in the UK, or to go straight into a job and London living. I told myself that if no work prospects presented themselves in a couple of weeks, I would take off to Italy for some exploration. Much to my surprise, within a couple of days in London I had secured a meeting with a recruitment company and the next day, an interview for a Project Engineer position with a construction company, working on a railway project in the middle of London. Success!! By the end of the week I was dressed in my business attire, braving the unusual London heat (36 degrees for the first two weeks) and making my sweaty way into London Bridge Station to pretend like I knew things about the construction industry and railway projects. So within less than two weeks, my life went from that of a man of leisure, hanging out in Australia, to a working class man in London. Complete with the office look, a packed lunch and a rapidly expanding knowledge of London public transport, off I go to work every morning, catching the train to Tower Hill Station and walking across the stunning Tower Bridge to my office in the city.

It kind of has the feeling of a seasonal job, like spending the winter in Canada or Japan. Possibly because everything is so new and exciting and the whole life of button-up business shirts, after work drinks and morning coffees at the local café is such a foreign concept of what work has previously been (and maybe because my apartment reminds me of seasonal accommodation). Sometimes its hard to tell whether the weekdays or weekends are more fun and intriguing. Walking around London Bridge Station in my hi-vis (can’t escape the hi-vis clothing!), clipboard in hand, inspecting and taking photos, chatting to my subcontractors, watching the commuters coming and going is just as fun as meeting for drinks or dinner after work or going on weekend adventures out of London or exploring what the city has to offer.

I’ve already found a few favourite running routes either through Victoria Park or along the canals, making the most of the beautiful weather and interesting new sights. Other favourites activities so far include visiting the different galleries and exhibits on offer, using the city cycles to weave my way around pretty much everywhere, finding new markets every weekend and eating fresh produce or bakery treats, stumbling across street art, adventures with new friends and office doughnuts and treats. Below is a little collection of photos of life in London so far.

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