North America

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  • USA – Sequoia National Park and Death Valley

    USA – Sequoia National Park and Death Valley

    We headed through Yosemite National Park and out to Sequoia National Park. On the way out we stopped roadside to watch a mumma bear and her two cubs play in a meadow. So glad we finally saw some bears!! We …Read More »
  • USA – Yosemite National Park

    USA – Yosemite National Park

    We picked Megan up from San Francisco airport on her arrival back in the US and drove West to Yosemite, only stopping for a quick look in Costco and to buy some groceries on the way. We arrived late that …Read More »
  • Canada – Bye Bye for now

    Canada – Bye Bye for now

    I’m pretty sure mother nature was drunk for the end of April. She gave us some mild weather, then one of the biggest dumps of the season with easily 30 or 40cm of powder overnight and then days later back …Read More »
  • Canada – Snowboarding Roadtrip

    Canada – Snowboarding Roadtrip

    The seven day road trip started off with picking up a brand new Chrysler Pacifica, only 1600kms on the clock as our hire car. With all the fancy features that we were still discovering at the tail end of our …Read More »
  • Canada – Edmonton

    Canada – Edmonton

    Megan, Andrew and I hired a car and took a drive out to Edmonton which is a bit under 5hrs away. A change of scenery was good and visiting the Ice Castles and West Edmonton Mall was good fun. The …Read More »
  • Canada – Adventures with Andyboy

    Canada – Adventures with Andyboy

    Andrew and still here and I’m still between jobs so I have taken advantage of the company and we’ve had a bunch of adventures. Snowboarding has occupied most of our time with some fantastic days on the mountain. Lots of …Read More »
  • Canada – The end of snowmaking

    Canada – The end of snowmaking

    So this week gone was the last week of snowmaking. I finished the season on a high with a snowmobile tour of the mountain on the last night shift. Myself and two other snowmakers on snowmobiles made tracks all across …Read More »
  • Canada – Christmas and the New Year

    Canada – Christmas and the New Year

    The lead up to Christmas involved lots of holiday cheer in the form of drinking and eating way too much. Lots of friends having dinner parties and drinking games made for some big nights. Our apartment had a Christmas eve …Read More »
  • Canada – Early Christmas celebrations. 

    Canada – Early Christmas celebrations. 

    Christmas came early with a visit from Jarrah, Mikey and Andrew. They arrived to Lake Louise amid more minus 30 degree temperatures which I’m sure was a big shock for them. After a leisurely breakfast on day 1 we braved …Read More »
  • Canada – Doing things inside while it’s cold outside.

    Canada – Doing things inside while it’s cold outside.

    Snowboarding and trips to Banff have kept me occupied the last few weeks. Activities have included a ski lesson, rock climbing, hot springs and even a trip out to Kicking Horse resort for opening day. We’ve had some brutally cold …Read More »
  • Canada – The snow has arrived!!

    Canada – The snow has arrived!!

    It’s been a month since my last post and a bit has happened in that time. Megan is back from her family hiking adventures in Chile. They had a great time even though it snowed them into their tents a …Read More »
  • Canada – Waiting for the white.

    Canada – Waiting for the white.

    So the last couple of weeks for me has been a waiting game. everyone here is in limbo as we wait at work for temps to drop low enough to consistently make snow and on days off everyone is waiting …Read More »
  • Canada – Thanksgiving and Snowmaking

    Canada – Thanksgiving and Snowmaking

    A Canadian Thanksgiving, not sure if we did it right because not one out of the 6 of us were from Canada but we had a great time anyways! We had baked camembert and cranberry sauce for entrée then roast chicken …Read More »
  • Canada – Hiking the Rockies

    Canada – Hiking the Rockies

    After Banff we continued north, stopping along to hike to Boom Lake, an easy 10km round trip. We were the first ones in the trail, starting the morning at a crisp 1°C at 10am, with a light dusting of snow …Read More »
  • Canada – Calgary to Banff

    Canada – Calgary to Banff

    It was an easy flight from Guatemala City to Houston and then from Houston to Calgary, Canada. Hot toasted bagels with cream cheese in the airport at Houston made me miss New York with nothing much else happening for the …Read More »
  • Mexico – Hasta Luego

    Mexico – Hasta Luego

    See you later Mexico!! So we’ve finished our travels through this amazing country. It’s been almost a month since we flew into Mexico City and today we will take a bus to Chetumal and cross the border into Belize. Last …Read More »
  • Mexico – The winding road

    Mexico – The winding road

    By winding road I mean I’m stuck in the back of a crowded and overheated bus willing myself not to throw up as we careen along this extremely bumpy (mexico loves speed bumps EVERYWHERE), curvy road through the mountains. Not …Read More »
  • Mexico


    A day of transit from JFK airport into Mexico City! Tacos were one of the first things on the agenda. We had been avoiding Mexican food in the US knowing we would soon have the real thing and it hasn’t …Read More »
  • New York – The End

    New York – The End

    Another week in NYC down. Today we head to JFK airport to fly to Mexico City. The last week has been a mix of the city and exploring Long Island and around the neighbourhood. Obama was in town doing some …Read More »
  • New York, New York

    New York, New York

    New York, what can I say? So many movies and TV shows are based here that it seems like my friends from Seinfeld or How I Met Your Mother should be inviting me to lunch. The MET, Times Square, Rockefeller …Read More »
  • USA – Boston

    USA – Boston

    I just boarded the bus in Boston to head to NYC. Pretty excited to spend the next couple of weeks exploring the big apple! We left Halifax a few days ago, flying into Boston. Boston played the part and we …Read More »
  • Canada – PEI + Cape Breton

    Canada – PEI + Cape Breton

    Big wilderness landscapes and rugged coastlines dominated the last week with lots and lots of driving. After leaving Tadoussac we headed down to Fredericton and then Moncton before crossing over for a couple of days on Prince Edward Island (PEI). …Read More »
  • Canada – Tadoussac

    Canada – Tadoussac

    “Moose watch!” My game of choice for the drive north into Tadoussac. Leftover snow drifts and bitterly cold wind created what I imagined as the ideal backdrop to come across a herd of the big hairies on the road. Alas …Read More »
  • Canada – Quebec City

    Canada – Quebec City

    Beebs (Justin Bieber for those of you who aren’t on a nickname basis with him) came to play in town while we were there. He wanted to hang out but I didn’t have time to catch up with him. Pretty …Read More »
  • Canada – Some more Montreal

    Canada – Some more Montreal

    More adventures in Montreal. Biking around during the day and Cirque du Soleil that night.Read More »
  • Canada – Montreal

    Canada – Montreal

    From Ottawa to Montreal. Not sure what the go is but it dropped like 15 degrees and was somewhere just above 0°C for the first two days. When you’ve packed mostly for Mexico summer, this isn’t great. The Caters turned …Read More »
  • Canada – Ottawa

    Canada – Ottawa

    A few days spent in Ottawa, exploring, drinking and eating. Just by luck we coincided with the Ottawa Poutine Festival so we became acquainted with these. They are made from hot chips, gravy, cheese curds and topping of your choice.Read More »
  • Canada – Toronto

    Canada – Toronto

    Left LA and spent a day in transit, stopping at JFK airport in New York. Was hoping for a view of NYC from the plane but it was rainy and overcast so was out of luck. Landed in Toronto around …Read More »
  • LA Days

    LA Days

    Spent a day roaming LA with Jarrah acting as tour guide. First the urban light installation and La Brea tar pits. Then on to grand central market for lunch. Afterwards a walk through Cinco de Mayo celebrations and into Olivera …Read More »
  • USA – Ground Zero

    USA – Ground Zero

    An uneventful and sleepless flight from Brisbane to LA leaves Daniel and Megan very tired on our first morning in the US. Thanks to Jarrah+Mikey for the pickup and the sweet free accommodation one block from Venice Beach!!Read More »