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  • Inca Quarry Trail, Peru 2024

    Inca Quarry Trail, Peru 2024

    Peru Tristan wanted to tick off hiking to Machu Picchu while in South America for the first time so from Colombia we spent a day in transit to then arrive in Cusco, Peru. As soon as we landed I could feel the effect of the altitude as Cusco is at 3,399m. We spent a day […]Read More »

Recent Hiking Posts

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  • Inca Quarry Trail, Peru 2024

    Inca Quarry Trail, Peru 2024

    Peru Tristan wanted to tick off hiking to Machu Picchu while in South America for the first time so from Colombia we spent a day in transit to then arrive in Cusco, Peru. As soon as we landed I could feel the effect of the altitude as Cusco is at …
  • Lost City Trek, Colombia 2024

    Lost City Trek, Colombia 2024

    Lost City Trek, Colombia With Keoni and I battling some unsettled stomachs while in Santa Marta, we delayed starting the Lost City Hike and were debating whether to commit or not. We eventually did and so left Tristan and Amber behind in Santa Marta while off we went for four …
  • Italy 2023

    Italy 2023

    Italy Road Trip 2023  Our summer saw Tristan and Amber come all the way across the globe from Australia for their first European jaunt. They flew into London and spent a few days with us exploring and getting over the jetlag. They then took the Eurostar across to Paris for …
  • Snowdonia, Wales

    Snowdonia, Wales

    Mimicking a similar trip to Wales during late summer last year, Angie and I hired a car and drove out of London and into Wales. North-west we went, all the way up to Snowdonia National Park. What followed was a long weekend hiking and exploring the coastline in the beautiful …
  • Tanzania – Kilimanjaro

    Tanzania – Kilimanjaro

    A few days in Moshi to organise the tour and check we had all the right gear before we started the 7 day/6 Night Kilimanjaro Hike. There are several routes and varying speeds via which you can ascend Kilimanjaro. I’d chosen the Machame Route over 6 days but after looking …
  • Wales – Hiking Pen y Fan

    Wales – Hiking Pen y Fan

    After a good 6 months in London with various levels of lockdown and some pretty serious hours put in at work, a chance arose to head off on a long weekend trip with Angie and two of her friends. I was the only one that could drive and I have …
  • Bulgaria – Sofia and Hiking

    Bulgaria – Sofia and Hiking

    Sofia was full of friendly people, delicious food and a great hike. We flew in Friday evening and picked up a hire car to head into the city centre to check into our hostel. Afterwards it was straight off to find a good restaurant to gorge ourselves on Bulgarian food …
  • Scotland – Hiking the Highlands

    Scotland – Hiking the Highlands

    On Friday Jay and I hiked Stob Ban in the Mamores and traversed its ridge across to its westerly neighbour Mullach nan Coirean to create a fun medium length circuit. The weather was extremely windy with some rain as we hiked up Stob Ban, making sure to take extra care …
  • Norway – Hiking Trollheimen

    Norway – Hiking Trollheimen

    Blake being on Uni holidays and me ready for a bit of time off in the European summer saw us planning a hiking trip in Norway. The Trollheimen mountain area in central Norway provided a good spot to plan the trip and explore some mountains so 7 days of thru-hiking …
  • South Africa – In and Around Cape Town

    South Africa – In and Around Cape Town

    Cape Town The first afternoon in Cape Town we went for a drive down to the beach, getting out for a walk and to dip our feet in the water at Camps Bay and then driving further around the coast past Clifton Beaches and to Sea Point where we watched …
  • South Africa – The Garden Route

    South Africa – The Garden Route

    Mossel Bay After leaving Wilderness we travelled down to Mossel Bay, the beginning of the scenic drive leading into Cape Town called the Garden Route. We arrived in time for a late brunch and got some advice from a local guy working at the cafe about some places in the …
  • South Africa – The Wild Coast

    South Africa – The Wild Coast

    St Lucia We had a big drive ahead so decided to get up and watch the sunrise from the same wooden platform above the canopy that we had been on for the previous sunset. After sunset we left Marloth Park and Kruger behind and headed south, skirting Swaziland and then …
  • Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 09 to 12

    Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 09 to 12

    Sagarmatha Mt Everest is the western name given to the highest peak in the world. It was named this in 1865 in honour of Sir George Everest, the British Surveyor General of India after a recommendation by his successor, Andrew Waugh, the then current British General Surveyor of India. Although …
  • Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 05 to 08

    Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 05 to 08

    Day 05 – Monday 12th, November 2018 (Phortse Gaon 3810m to Dingboche 4410m) Another standard 7:15am breakfast and 8am departure preceded a beautiful morning strolling in the sun. As we continue to move higher into the mountains, increasingly the hardest part of the day is getting up in the morning …
  • Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 01 to 04

    Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 01 to 04

    Hiking to Everest Base Camp The day before the Everest Base Camp (EBC) Hike started I met the rest of the group that were to be my trekking team over the next two weeks on our way up to Everest Base Camp and back. We got a run-down of the …
  • England – The Seven Sisters

    England – The Seven Sisters

    The weather forecast said partly cloudy skies but no rain for Saturday, so I packed my bag with food and hiking clothes on Friday night and planned my trip from London down to Brighton where I could then catch a bus eastward to Seaford and hike the coastline. This is …
  • Australia – The Castle

    Australia – The Castle

    I’ve been trying to convince someone to come on a hike with me to The Castle in the Budawangs every time i have visited the south coast for years now and it finally happened!! Blake, Nari and I took off from Wollongong and headed straight down to Milton to raid …
  • Greece – Mount Olympus

    Greece – Mount Olympus

    After the Monasteries at Meteora, Megan and I made our way to a town called Litochoro. Litochoro is at the base of the Olympus Mountain Range where we planned to hike to the highest peak, Mytikas, staying a night in one of the refugios just below the summit. Early the …
  • Greece – Crete and Santorini

    Greece – Crete and Santorini

    An overnight ferry from Athens took the Caters and I to Hania, Crete. We had an apartment for a few days to get to know the city and visit the beach which was only a minute walk down the road.   From Hania we took a hire car west to …
  • Montenegro – Hiking Bobotov Kuk

    Montenegro – Hiking Bobotov Kuk

    In the middle of our time in Montenegro, we travelled across the country to Žabljak in preparation to hike Bobotov Kuk (a mountain) in Durmitor National Park. The day was clear and beautifully sunny as we ascended, starting around 7:30am from Sedlo. We braved the cold winds whipping up the mountain …
  • Costa Rica – Hiking Cerro Chirripó

    Costa Rica – Hiking Cerro Chirripó

    From the coast, we struck inland, heading to San Gerardo to make a base for hiking the tallest mountain in Costa Rica, Cerro Chirripó. They recommend doing it as an overnight hike, first getting to the base camp some 14km up the mountain and staying there the night to hike …
  • USA – Sequoia National Park and Death Valley

    USA – Sequoia National Park and Death Valley

    We headed through Yosemite National Park and out to Sequoia National Park. On the way out we stopped roadside to watch a mumma bear and her two cubs play in a meadow. So glad we finally saw some bears!! We drove to Sequoia National Park via Kings Canyon. We just …
  • USA – Yosemite National Park

    USA – Yosemite National Park

    We picked Megan up from San Francisco airport on her arrival back in the US and drove West to Yosemite, only stopping for a quick look in Costco and to buy some groceries on the way. We arrived late that afternoon and checked in to our accommodation…a yurt. This is …
  • Canada – Ice Fishing

    Canada – Ice Fishing

    Yesterday was an ice fishing adventure where we hiked the short distance out to Mud Lake. We post-holed (where each step your leg sinks deep into the snow) through the forest, all the while hoping not to come across any hungry bears. Finally a quick trek across the lake to …
  • Canada – Hiking the Rockies

    Canada – Hiking the Rockies

    After Banff we continued north, stopping along to hike to Boom Lake, an easy 10km round trip. We were the first ones in the trail, starting the morning at a crisp 1°C at 10am, with a light dusting of snow covering the ground and trees, making everything a pretty sight. …
  • Guatemala – Antigua

    Guatemala – Antigua

    Last week we took a school holiday and travelled to Antigua and Semuc Champey. The trip was really about Semuc but given we didn’t need a whole week there and the travel is a whole day from Xela we decided to break it into two destinations. Antigua was even more …
  • Guatemala – more mountains and bakery treats

    Guatemala – more mountains and bakery treats

    No news to report this week. Still doing school things 5 days a week, 5hrs a day. We went for a hike up the back of Xela into the farms behind the giant “Holywood” like sign that actually says Cristo Vive (Christ Lives). It was beautiful and green and full …
  • Guatemala – Still in Quetzaltenango (Xela)

    Guatemala – Still in Quetzaltenango (Xela)

    Quick, I better get this updated for my Sunday night readers… This week has seen us hit 111 days away, kind of a milestone so we’re treating ourselves to a few drinks out in town. The last week has also seen us move into new accommodation, a house owned by the …
  • Guatemala – Volcan Tajumulco 

    Guatemala – Volcan Tajumulco 

    Last weekend we gathered together with students from our school and booked a two-day hike up the highest peak in Central America, Volcan Tajumulco. It reaches 4,220m high and looking out to the west, you see over Mexico and all the way to the beach and the Pacific Ocean and …
  • Guatemala – Santa Maria

    Guatemala – Santa Maria

    Last week we took a break from school on a Wednesday and took the opportunity to hike up a nearby extinct volcano, Volcan Santa Maria. The day didn’t start great with getting on the wrong bus and so what should have been less than an hour to the town at …
  • Guatemala – still in Xela

    Guatemala – still in Xela

    So the last week has been spent in Xela, Guatemala with Spanish lessons for 5hrs every morning. It’s been a tough week with the feeling of being back at school, complete with homework to do every night. That combined with me being sick for a week with a mixture of …
  • Canada – PEI + Cape Breton

    Canada – PEI + Cape Breton

    Big wilderness landscapes and rugged coastlines dominated the last week with lots and lots of driving. After leaving Tadoussac we headed down to Fredericton and then Moncton before crossing over for a couple of days on Prince Edward Island (PEI). After PEI we moved on to Cape Breton for some …