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  • Yucutan, Mexico 2024

    Yucutan, Mexico 2024

    Tulum, Mexico Our final destination for this trip was Mexico. We flew into Cancun airport and drove down the coast where we got a lush airbnb for the week. The location within Tulum left something to be desired but that didn’t stop us getting out to Chichen Itza and some surrounding cenotes while eating all […]Read More »

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  • Yucutan, Mexico 2024

    Yucutan, Mexico 2024

    Tulum, Mexico Our final destination for this trip was Mexico. We flew into Cancun airport and drove down the coast where we got a lush airbnb for the week. The location within Tulum left something to be desired but that didn’t stop us getting out to Chichen Itza and some …
  • London 2023

    London 2023

    London 2023 2023 was a busy year with a new job working on the Beckton DLR Depot expansion and moving into a new apartment with Keoni kicking off January. From there we bought furniture, painted and decorated and settled ourselves in before taking a much overdue trip back to Australia …
  • Munich 2023

    Munich 2023

    Munich 2023 The start of December had a winter trip planned to Munich and then a train across to Salzburg, Austria for the Krampus Run. The Krampus run was the main point of the trip after Blake had raved about it a few years ago but unfortunately the snowy weather …
  • Italy 2023

    Italy 2023

    Italy Road Trip 2023  Our summer saw Tristan and Amber come all the way across the globe from Australia for their first European jaunt. They flew into London and spent a few days with us exploring and getting over the jetlag. They then took the Eurostar across to Paris for …
  • Paris 2023

    Paris 2023

    Paris 2023 A sneaky long weekend in Paris eating galettes, drinking cider, eating all the sweet things and catching amazing friends. Shout out to Carine and Francois! Thanks for hosting us and hanging out, we had an amazing time.
  • London 2022

    London 2022

    London 2022 2022 has been a very busy year with some of the best weather I’ve ever seen in London. The year started out with finishing construction at Whitechapel Station and opening it to the new Elizabeth Line before going over to Africa for a few months of adventures with …
  • Lake Como, Italy

    Lake Como, Italy

    June saw a sneaky little trip to Italy where Paolo and I hired a campervan to explore Lake Como and the surrounding mountains for a long weekend of hiking, swimming and amazing Italian food. Day 1 We got in late Wednesday night on separate flights, I a bit earlier than …
  • Morocco


    Aït Benhaddou I was back in London hunting for a job and it turned out I had a bit of spare time before one started. I jumped online and less than 24hrs later I was excitedly on a plane to Morocco. I landed in Marrakech around midday and was soon …
  • Italy – Meeting the Romans

    Italy – Meeting the Romans

    After Norway was cut short, Blake and I spent a day in London, eating Bao Buns in Soho and enjoying the sun before heading to the airport and making our way to Rome, Italy. The weather was vastly different to when we left Norway with +30°C days and sunshine. We …
  • Europe – Winter Christmas Adventures

    Europe – Winter Christmas Adventures

    Back from Nepal and it was only a few days rest in London before Blake arrived from his European travels and we visiting London’s Winter Wonderland with my housemates and friends then jumped on a plane to Germany together. Two weeks traveling from Munich, northwards through Nuremberg, Dresden, Berlin and …
  • Nepal – Live in the MoMo

    Nepal – Live in the MoMo

    Kathmandu Dust everywhere. That is how I would describe Kathmandu. When travelling here, I would not suggest more than a handful of days. Delicious food and cheap hiking gear are among the good things that contrast the incessant hawkers calling for business, the street men constantly whispering “hashish”, “smoke” or …
  • England – Friends, Food and Fun

    England – Friends, Food and Fun

    New apartment, new housemates, a speed visit from Blake, my roommates 30th, my 31st, great dinner parties, fun times with friends and lots and lots of food. Below are some photos of my London fun. Christmas is soon approaching and the temperature is rapidly dropping in inverse proportion to my …
  • Japan – Osaka and Hiroshima Food

    Japan – Osaka and Hiroshima Food

    Amid fun days of bicycle rides, cherry blossoms and all other adventures post Hokkaido, there was amazing Japanese food at every stop. Some of the regular favourites include okonomiyaki, a Japanese shredded cabbage based pancake with your choice of meat or seafood, silky smooth ramen in creamy rich broths with …
  • Japan – Winter Festival Food

    Japan – Winter Festival Food

    Just like a carnival or festival in any other country, ones in Japan revolve just as much around the delicious food stalls as they do around any other attractions. With the Sapporo Ice Festival and a road trip out to Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival in the last couple of weeks, …
  • Japan – Noboribetsu and Hirafu Life

    Japan – Noboribetsu and Hirafu Life

    More trips away with friends and lots of deep snow. Two days down in Noboribetsu, an onsen town south of niseko had us eating Japanese buffet dinner, relaxing in steaming onsens and exploring Jigokudani (Hells Valley), where a volcanic crater leaves a barren valley with bubbling sulphur vents everywhere. Some …
  • Japan – Get all the food in my belly

    Japan – Get all the food in my belly

    Arriving in Japan to udon noodles in the airport and tempura (featured image above) is a good way to start a trip. And it only gets better from there… Free sweet samples throughout Otaru with more great food and delicious umeshu in Hakodate.
  • 16hrs in Singapore

    16hrs in Singapore

    From Athens it was a harmless flight into Singapore even though we arrived at like 330am. A couple of hours sleep on the airport floor and then we were off to explore the city and eat some dim sum!! Braving the heat and humidity of the city to explore Gardens …
  • Greece – Food Adventures Around The Islands

    Greece – Food Adventures Around The Islands

    All around the islands we found sun, sea, swimming, smiles, s-food and s-laughter. Who doesn’t love the Mediterranean diet, everything is delicious!! I could eat giros all day long!!
  • Montenegro


    Woke up in France, walked to the Swiss side of the Basel Airport, caught a plane to Croatia, got on a bus and now I am in Montenegro. The first two nights were spent in the old city of Kotor. The first night was spent with a sunset walk up …
  • France – Alsace

    France – Alsace

    Straight to La Vancelle where we made our base to spend a couple of weeks with Susie and Burnsie. We wasted no time getting the shopping done and beginning the two weeks of food and wine overindulgence. Day 1 was spent wine tasting and learning about the local varieties which …
  • Germany – The Romantic Road

    Germany – The Romantic Road

    A train from Paris to Strasbourg where Megan, Jarrah and I hired a car and drove across the border into Germany. Our plan is to drive north to Würzburg and then travel South along the Romantic Road all the way to Füssen and back to Strasbourg over a few days. …
  • France – Paris

    France – Paris

    After a week in London, I took a bus across to France to meet up with Megan, Mimo, Dougal, Steph and Jarrah. A week of amazing food and just as amazing sights.
  • USA – San Francisco 

    USA – San Francisco 

    I’d only ever been to San Fran once before, coincidentally it was with Mat last time we were in the US together in 2013. We were flying to Cancun and had to do a one night stopover in the city so didn’t get time to do any of the better …
  • Canada – The snow has arrived!!

    Canada – The snow has arrived!!

    It’s been a month since my last post and a bit has happened in that time. Megan is back from her family hiking adventures in Chile. They had a great time even though it snowed them into their tents a couple of nights and all the other little problems that …
  • Canada – Waiting for the white.

    Canada – Waiting for the white.

    So the last couple of weeks for me has been a waiting game. everyone here is in limbo as we wait at work for temps to drop low enough to consistently make snow and on days off everyone is waiting for there to be enough snow to get out and …
  • Canada – Thanksgiving and Snowmaking

    Canada – Thanksgiving and Snowmaking

    A Canadian Thanksgiving, not sure if we did it right because not one out of the 6 of us were from Canada but we had a great time anyways! We had baked camembert and cranberry sauce for entrée then roast chicken and stuffing with cranberry sauce or gravy, roasted sweet potatoes …
  • Canada – Calgary to Banff

    Canada – Calgary to Banff

    It was an easy flight from Guatemala City to Houston and then from Houston to Calgary, Canada. Hot toasted bagels with cream cheese in the airport at Houston made me miss New York with nothing much else happening for the day of transit. We spent a couple of days in …
  • Guatemala – School’s Out!

    Guatemala – School’s Out!

    The independence week finished with another concert and then a quiet weekend recovering from lots of partying. This week gone was our last week at school and now we’re packing up to go to Lake Atitlan for a few days before flying to Canada. The last of the job fairs …
  • Guatemala – Independence Day Celebrations 

    Guatemala – Independence Day Celebrations 

    15th of September, one of the biggest days on the Guatemalan calendar. They’ve been ramping up the party atmosphere and activities for the last week and now it’s time to party!! Everyone has been setting up stands, food stalls, decorations and attending parades and music events all over the city. …
  • Guatemala – more mountains and bakery treats

    Guatemala – more mountains and bakery treats

    No news to report this week. Still doing school things 5 days a week, 5hrs a day. We went for a hike up the back of Xela into the farms behind the giant “Holywood” like sign that actually says Cristo Vive (Christ Lives). It was beautiful and green and full …
  • Guatemala – Still in Quetzaltenango (Xela)

    Guatemala – Still in Quetzaltenango (Xela)

    Quick, I better get this updated for my Sunday night readers… This week has seen us hit 111 days away, kind of a milestone so we’re treating ourselves to a few drinks out in town. The last week has also seen us move into new accommodation, a house owned by the …
  • Mexico – The winding road

    Mexico – The winding road

    By winding road I mean I’m stuck in the back of a crowded and overheated bus willing myself not to throw up as we careen along this extremely bumpy (mexico loves speed bumps EVERYWHERE), curvy road through the mountains. Not a pleasant experience. Travel the last couple of weeks has …
  • Mexico


    A day of transit from JFK airport into Mexico City! Tacos were one of the first things on the agenda. We had been avoiding Mexican food in the US knowing we would soon have the real thing and it hasn’t been a disappointment. Creamy avocado and ripe tomato on little …
  • New York, New York

    New York, New York

    New York, what can I say? So many movies and TV shows are based here that it seems like my friends from Seinfeld or How I Met Your Mother should be inviting me to lunch. The MET, Times Square, Rockefeller Centre and Central Park filled the first day. We just …
  • USA – Boston

    USA – Boston

    I just boarded the bus in Boston to head to NYC. Pretty excited to spend the next couple of weeks exploring the big apple! We left Halifax a few days ago, flying into Boston. Boston played the part and we had an amazing tour of Harvard University and of the …
  • Canada – Montreal

    Canada – Montreal

    From Ottawa to Montreal. Not sure what the go is but it dropped like 15 degrees and was somewhere just above 0°C for the first two days. When you’ve packed mostly for Mexico summer, this isn’t great. The Caters turned out in style with their all black matching jackets and …
  • Canada – Ottawa

    Canada – Ottawa

    A few days spent in Ottawa, exploring, drinking and eating. Just by luck we coincided with the Ottawa Poutine Festival so we became acquainted with these. They are made from hot chips, gravy, cheese curds and topping of your choice.
  • LA Days

    LA Days

    Spent a day roaming LA with Jarrah acting as tour guide. First the urban light installation and La Brea tar pits. Then on to grand central market for lunch. Afterwards a walk through Cinco de Mayo celebrations and into Olivera St for some margaritas and a dos equis on the …