
  • Munich 2023

    Munich 2023

    Munich 2023 The start of December had a winter trip planned to Munich and then a train across to Salzburg, Austria for the Krampus Run. The Krampus run was the main point of the trip after Blake had raved about it a few years ago but unfortunately the snowy weather had other plans for us. […]Read More »

Recent Posts

  • Munich 2023

    Munich 2023

    Munich 2023 The start of December had a winter trip planned to Munich and then a train across to Salzburg, Austria for the Krampus Run. The Krampus run was the main point of the trip after Blake had raved about …Read More »
  • Italy 2023

    Italy 2023

    Italy Road Trip 2023  Our summer saw Tristan and Amber come all the way across the globe from Australia for their first European jaunt. They flew into London and spent a few days with us exploring and getting over the …Read More »
  • London with Trist & Amber 2023

    London with Trist & Amber 2023

    London 2023 with Tristan and Amber Tristan and Amber came across to London for some hangs and adventures before skipping across gto Paris and then Rome in the lead up to our Italian road trip. Lots of fun with everyone …Read More »
  • Paris 2023

    Paris 2023

    Paris 2023 A sneaky long weekend in Paris eating galettes, drinking cider, eating all the sweet things and catching amazing friends. Shout out to Carine and Francois! Thanks for hosting us and hanging out, we had an amazing time.Read More »
  • Snowdonia, Wales

    Snowdonia, Wales

    Mimicking a similar trip to Wales during late summer last year, Angie and I hired a car and drove out of London and into Wales. North-west we went, all the way up to Snowdonia National Park. What followed was a …Read More »
  • Lake Como, Italy

    Lake Como, Italy

    June saw a sneaky little trip to Italy where Paolo and I hired a campervan to explore Lake Como and the surrounding mountains for a long weekend of hiking, swimming and amazing Italian food. Day 1 We got in late …Read More »
  • London – Capping Off 2021

    London – Capping Off 2021

    Another year full of ups, downs, lockdowns and worldwide uncertainty. Thankfully work, London and the limited travel that I undertook was relatively unaffected and my world felt fairly normal. Theatre, ballet, summer festivals, sunshine, running adventures, cycling, good food, many …Read More »
  • Wales – Hiking Pen y Fan

    Wales – Hiking Pen y Fan

    After a good 6 months in London with various levels of lockdown and some pretty serious hours put in at work, a chance arose to head off on a long weekend trip with Angie and two of her friends. I …Read More »
  • London – Capping Off 2020

    London – Capping Off 2020

    With 2020 turning out to be a totally unpredictable year and most people experiencing extended lockdowns, Jay and I got unbelievably lucky and rode most of the turmoil out on tropical beaches in Thailand. Jay decided to stay on in …Read More »
  • Italy – A Winter in Rome

    Italy – A Winter in Rome

    Rome, Italy  After receiving a sneaky long weekend trip to Rome as a gift from Keoni, off we went in early January to experience the cold in Italy and warm ourselves on pasta and red wine. Wine tasting evenings with …Read More »
  • London – Capping Off 2019

    London – Capping Off 2019

    Another Christmas spent in London with cold weather and lots of mulled wine capping off 18 months living in the UK. The last year has been full of London adventures and long weekends all over Europe while masquerading as a …Read More »
  • Bulgaria – Sofia and Hiking

    Bulgaria – Sofia and Hiking

    Sofia was full of friendly people, delicious food and a great hike. We flew in Friday evening and picked up a hire car to head into the city centre to check into our hostel. Afterwards it was straight off to …Read More »
  • Scotland – Hiking the Highlands

    Scotland – Hiking the Highlands

    On Friday Jay and I hiked Stob Ban in the Mamores and traversed its ridge across to its westerly neighbour Mullach nan Coirean to create a fun medium length circuit. The weather was extremely windy with some rain as we …Read More »
  • Italy – Meeting the Romans

    Italy – Meeting the Romans

    After Norway was cut short, Blake and I spent a day in London, eating Bao Buns in Soho and enjoying the sun before heading to the airport and making our way to Rome, Italy. The weather was vastly different to …Read More »
  • Norway – Hiking Trollheimen

    Norway – Hiking Trollheimen

    Blake being on Uni holidays and me ready for a bit of time off in the European summer saw us planning a hiking trip in Norway. The Trollheimen mountain area in central Norway provided a good spot to plan the …Read More »