
  • Thailand


    Krabi, Thailand After rushing from Myanmar to the only country that remained open in Asia, we landed in Bangkok without any real issues and made our way onto Krabi. We spent two weeks in Krabi, making friends, exercising on the beach, playing frisbee, swimming, seeing temples, kayaking and exploring some of the area. This is […]Read More »

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  • Thailand


    Krabi, Thailand After rushing from Myanmar to the only country that remained open in Asia, we landed in Bangkok without any real issues and made our way onto Krabi. We spent two weeks in Krabi, making friends, exercising on the beach, playing frisbee, swimming, seeing temples, kayaking and exploring some …
  • Myanmar


    The coronavirus situation has continued to escalate as we’ve travelled across Asia. It hasn’t caused us any real concern so far with no impacts to our plans until the start of march when it all rapidly began to change on a global scale. India and Sri Lanka have closed their …
  • Laos


    Pakse – The Bolaven Loop Pakse itself didn’t have much going for it except as a base to ride a loop around what’s known as the Bolavan Plateau. Extreme heat and a lack of good food greeted us while for two days we explored and organised scooters to ride the …
  • Vietnam – Hoi An

    Vietnam – Hoi An

    Jay and I arrived into Hoi An with minimum fuss and were soon wandering the Old Town in search of white roses (a hoi an dumpling speciality) and cau lau while basking in the mid thirty-degree heat. We then met up with Dean and Alecia and headed to the beach …
  • Vietnam – Road Trip Into the North

    Vietnam – Road Trip Into the North

    Jay and I landed in Hanoi from London (via Kuala Lumpur) around lunchtime and immediately found our hostel to dump our bags and go in search of some delicious Vietnamese food. We had planned three days to achieve three main objectives; get reacquainted with Hanoi (coincidently we had both last …
  • Nepal – Live in the MoMo

    Nepal – Live in the MoMo

    Kathmandu Dust everywhere. That is how I would describe Kathmandu. When travelling here, I would not suggest more than a handful of days. Delicious food and cheap hiking gear are among the good things that contrast the incessant hawkers calling for business, the street men constantly whispering “hashish”, “smoke” or …
  • Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 09 to 12

    Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 09 to 12

    Sagarmatha Mt Everest is the western name given to the highest peak in the world. It was named this in 1865 in honour of Sir George Everest, the British Surveyor General of India after a recommendation by his successor, Andrew Waugh, the then current British General Surveyor of India. Although …
  • Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 05 to 08

    Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 05 to 08

    Day 05 – Monday 12th, November 2018 (Phortse Gaon 3810m to Dingboche 4410m) Another standard 7:15am breakfast and 8am departure preceded a beautiful morning strolling in the sun. As we continue to move higher into the mountains, increasingly the hardest part of the day is getting up in the morning …
  • Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 01 to 04

    Nepal – Everest Base Camp Hike Day 01 to 04

    Hiking to Everest Base Camp The day before the Everest Base Camp (EBC) Hike started I met the rest of the group that were to be my trekking team over the next two weeks on our way up to Everest Base Camp and back. We got a run-down of the …
  • Japan – Osaka and Hiroshima Food

    Japan – Osaka and Hiroshima Food

    Amid fun days of bicycle rides, cherry blossoms and all other adventures post Hokkaido, there was amazing Japanese food at every stop. Some of the regular favourites include okonomiyaki, a Japanese shredded cabbage based pancake with your choice of meat or seafood, silky smooth ramen in creamy rich broths with …
  • Japan – Naoshima Island and Kyoto

    Japan – Naoshima Island and Kyoto

    More days in the beautiful sun exploring the country around Hiroshima. One was spent riding 70km along the Shimanami Kaido bicycle route. This was stunning, with the path taking us over 7 amazing bridges, each more incredible than the last. By the end though, Megan and I were both destroyed …
  • Japan – Osaka and Hiroshima.

    Japan – Osaka and Hiroshima.

    From Tokyo I sped off on the bullet train down towards Osaka where I was to meet Megan for a few days of travel and food adventures. We met at Nagoya Station and jumped on a train together bound for Osaka where our first priority after checking in was to …
  • Japan – Winter is over…

    Japan – Winter is over…

    The last month has seen some amazing snow in Niseko then lots of warm weather as we progressed through March. In the last week, it finally felt like the season had come to an end for me with running water everywhere from the melting snow, the roads bare asphalt and …
  • Japan – Winter Festival Food

    Japan – Winter Festival Food

    Just like a carnival or festival in any other country, ones in Japan revolve just as much around the delicious food stalls as they do around any other attractions. With the Sapporo Ice Festival and a road trip out to Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival in the last couple of weeks, …
  • Japan – Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival

    Japan – Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival

    So as the winter snow and ice festivals come to an end all across Hokkaido, some friends and I decided to take a big road trip east to see one of the last ones still open. We left around 6:30am and travelled through the morning until we reached Asahikawa, around …
  • Japan – Sapporo Snow Festival & Otaru Light Festival

    Japan – Sapporo Snow Festival & Otaru Light Festival

    A 4-day long weekend and a big crew of friends from Izumikyo made for an awesome first trip to Sapporo. The goal was to eat as many amazing things as I could and to visit the snow festival. The snow festival was particularly amazing at night when the larger sculptures …
  • Japan – Noboribetsu and Hirafu Life

    Japan – Noboribetsu and Hirafu Life

    More trips away with friends and lots of deep snow. Two days down in Noboribetsu, an onsen town south of niseko had us eating Japanese buffet dinner, relaxing in steaming onsens and exploring Jigokudani (Hells Valley), where a volcanic crater leaves a barren valley with bubbling sulphur vents everywhere. Some …
  • Japan – Get all the food in my belly

    Japan – Get all the food in my belly

    Arriving in Japan to udon noodles in the airport and tempura (featured image above) is a good way to start a trip. And it only gets better from there… Free sweet samples throughout Otaru with more great food and delicious umeshu in Hakodate.
  • Japan – Otaru and Hakodate

    Japan – Otaru and Hakodate

    The new year and new Japan adventures. Cross country skiing and onsens, a sneaky day trip to Otaru to eat amazing food including delicious fresh sashimi at the fish market and eating loads of free sweets samples at all the chocolate and pastry shops. Another weekend road trip down to …
  • Japan – Orphans Christmas and New Years

    Japan – Orphans Christmas and New Years

    Making fresh lines and eating good food with great people pretty much sums up my December. Missing all of my close family and friends around this time of the year, but as far as orphans Christmases go, this one was pretty great. Sending love and good vibes to everyone. Miss …
  • Japan – Winter is coming…

    Japan – Winter is coming…

    A flight from Oz to Tokyo where I put my airport sleeping skills to good use before flying to Sapporo the next morning. Work and meeting new friends, snow and of course amazing Japanese food.
  • 16hrs in Singapore

    16hrs in Singapore

    From Athens it was a harmless flight into Singapore even though we arrived at like 330am. A couple of hours sleep on the airport floor and then we were off to explore the city and eat some dim sum!! Braving the heat and humidity of the city to explore Gardens …