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Bogotá 2024

Bogotá, Colombia

It was a long overnight flight from London to Bogotá, arriving at 3am local time. Straight down for a nap  and then a wander to explore La Candelaria and Plaza de Bolívar took up our morning. It was Semana Santa (Holy Week) leading into Easter so the city was full of festive spirit and local Colombians on holidays. We dabbled in some street food, trying arepas and empanadas. We had a chilled rest of the day and then went for another walk into the main square to check the evening festivities and try some more street food.

Tristan and Amber arrived at 7am the next morning after 4 flights and 40hrs of transit. Needless to say they were even more wrecked than we had been when we arrive so they slept the day away while Keoni and I went off to hike Monserrate overlooking the city. The hike up was tough due to the hoards of Colombians doing the same thing and the fact that Bogota sits at 2,625m altitude. About 3hrs, 6.65km and 560m altitude gain saw us to the top and then down the back of the mountain to finish. We met up with Keonis’ friends Andrea and Germán for lunch and ate some delicious empanadas and tried ajiaco a local soup style dish. That evening we all went out to dinner at Andres DC, a famous restaurant in Zona T. We tried agua caliente and drank cocktails, laughed, chatted and ate the evening away.

Saturday was a slower morning, packing up and checking out before going on a graffiti tour of the city to learn about its fascinating culture and history. Off to the airport in the afternoon and on our way to Santa Marta for some sun and heat.



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