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London 2022

London 2022

2022 has been a very busy year with some of the best weather I’ve ever seen in London. The year started out with finishing construction at Whitechapel Station and opening it to the new Elizabeth Line before going over to Africa for a few months of adventures with Blake. Upon return, I got a job at Bond Street Station, the last station still needing works to be finished before it could also open to the Elizabeth Line and join the rest of the stations being used by the public.

Opening the last station on the Elizabeth Line this year saw me tackle a whole host of new challenges at work. Striving for the deadline of opening in October while at the same time having new adventures all across London and Europe. Art Galleries, a tough mudder, a spartan race, brunches, cycling around the city, Sunday roasts, Pride, Critical Mass cycling events, the Queens Platinum Jubilee, the Queens funeral, Ballet in the Royal Albert Hall, Red Hot Chili Peppers, burlesque shows, another spartan race, new cooking adventures, fruit picking in the countryside, Paris visits to see Carine, All Points East music festival, weekends in the Cotswolds, Hiking in Wales, music gigs at Printworks, Comicon, surprise Cami visits all the way from Canada, touring trip in Italy, Theatre, Carine’s first time in London, Salsa Classes, Winter Wonderland and many other adventures. Shout out to Angie, Anna, Natalia, Jess, Joe and Paolo who featured in a lot of these London fun times. The second half of the year also saw Keoni back as part of these adventures, ending the year with an amazing Christmas with her family in Aylesbury eating good food, having laughs and playing board games. Now as 2022 comes to an end, my work at Bond Street has drawn to a close and I’m on the hunt for a new job to fill a couple of months before Keoni and I take a trip to visit my family in Australia. Its been near enough 4 years since I’ve seen most of them and I am really excited to grab them in a big hug and spend some time with them laughing, eating and showing Keoni around some of the beautiful parts of Australia.

Various Photos around London 2022 and the countryside

The Queens Jubilee and Pride

Music Festivals and Gigs


Winter Adventures & Christmas

Photos from Australia

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