2023 Posts

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  • London 2023

    London 2023

    London 2023 2023 was a busy year with a new job working on the Beckton DLR Depot expansion and moving into a new apartment with Keoni kicking off January. From there we bought furniture, painted and decorated and settled ourselves …Read More »
  • Munich 2023

    Munich 2023

    Munich 2023 The start of December had a winter trip planned to Munich and then a train across to Salzburg, Austria for the Krampus Run. The Krampus run was the main point of the trip after Blake had raved about …Read More »
  • Italy 2023

    Italy 2023

    Italy Road Trip 2023  Our summer saw Tristan and Amber come all the way across the globe from Australia for their first European jaunt. They flew into London and spent a few days with us exploring and getting over the …Read More »
  • London with Trist & Amber 2023

    London with Trist & Amber 2023

    London 2023 with Tristan and Amber Tristan and Amber came across to London for some hangs and adventures before skipping across gto Paris and then Rome in the lead up to our Italian road trip. Lots of fun with everyone …Read More »
  • Paris 2023

    Paris 2023

    Paris 2023 A sneaky long weekend in Paris eating galettes, drinking cider, eating all the sweet things and catching amazing friends. Shout out to Carine and Francois! Thanks for hosting us and hanging out, we had an amazing time.Read More »
  • Australia Visit 2023

    Australia Visit 2023

    Australia 2023 Nowra A long couple of flights got us to Australia and then on a train down to Wollongong where we spent a night freshening up and getting over the jetlag. From there we continued on down to Nowra …Read More »