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South Africa – The Garden Route

Mossel Bay
After leaving Wilderness we travelled down to Mossel Bay, the beginning of the scenic drive leading into Cape Town called the Garden Route. We arrived in time for a late brunch and got some advice from a local guy working at the cafe about some places in the area to go hiking so that afternoon we packed our hiking gear and went for a coastal walk/run called the St Blaize Hiking Trail, beginning at Cape St Blaize Lighthouse, to Pinnacle Golf Club and back (3hrs and 18km).

The next morning we got up early and drove north to hike the other recommendation, Craddock Peak. We had a little trouble finding the trail head as the official entrance was closed due to maintenance but we soon found an old forestry trail we drove down and used as the starting point. It was a tough and very hot 1000m climb and 9km to reach the peak before we turned around and descended that 1000m and 9km all the way back to the car. Spectacular views and lots of fun as we ran the mountain ridge, even with me having to carry both backpacks for 90% of the day. 

Here in Mossel Bay, we stayed in an old train that had been converted into a hotel/hostel. It is right on the beach so with the cabin windows down you can hear the soft rumble of the waves and the cool sea breeze. It was very fun.

Cape Agulhas
From  Mossel Bay we drove down to the southern most point of South Africa, Cape Agulhas. A stop to buy some delicious roadside figs (we had been missing the awesome lychees, passionfruits and macadamia nuts we had gotten much further north) and a fancy bakery for a late lunch of gourmet pies before we arrive into Cape Town late in the afternoon.

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