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England – Friends, Food and Fun

New apartment, new housemates, a speed visit from Blake, my roommates 30th, my 31st, great dinner parties, fun times with friends and lots and lots of food.

Below are some photos of my London fun. Christmas is soon approaching and the temperature is rapidly dropping in inverse proportion to my excitement about a London festive season!!


Just some food photos as I eat my way through everything possible.


Besides joining the family of girls that is my new house and seeing Blake, the other major highlight of the month is that I booked my trip to Nepal!! I have committed to heading there in November and hiking to Mount Everest Base Camp. Its two weeks of trekking, all at altitude. I am excited and nervous in varying amounts. Keiya will be in Kathmandu for a university placement for her Psychology Masters so we are going to catch up after my hike and spend a bit over a week exploring Nepal. Cant wait!!

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