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Australia – Melbourne

We left early in the morning to drive down to Melbs. We met up with Dad at his work and after looking at the guinea pigs, we ducked off for lunch.

A couple of days spent around the city, taking trams with Cody, going on shopping adventures and going swimming. One major highlight was a round of paintball on the Friday before the wedding. Blake missed out but the rest of us had a great time shooting each other, especially Janette’s brother John. We finished with a few bruises but even more hilarious stories and were laughing all the way home for an afternoon BBQ.

I spent the night with Dad at his house and then off we went to the wedding on Saturday which was an absolute hit. I had a great night with everyone.

A few more days in Melbourne seeing everyone and a couple of catch-ups with friends around the city plus a visit to the National Gallery of Victoria made for an awesome visit before we drove back to NSW.

Stopped on the drive down for a play in the park.
Paintball mayhem.
The beautiful bride and groom.
The Longs and the Elliott’s reunited.
Wedding speech, public speaking is the worst!
The fam all together.
Cody looks very dapper in his little suit.
National Gallery of Victoria.
The entrance to the gallery is always mesmerizing.
The flower exhibit is called “Flower Obsession” and is by Yayoi, the Japanese artist who also did the pumpkin sculptures on Naoshima Island.

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