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Japan – Osaka and Hiroshima.

From Tokyo I sped off on the bullet train down towards Osaka where I was to meet Megan for a few days of travel and food adventures. We met at Nagoya Station and jumped on a train together bound for Osaka where our first priority after checking in was to eat okonomiyaki!!

We had a great couple of days exploring the city, eating and drinking lots, visiting the Asahi Brewery for a tour and attending the sumo wrestling tournament. We really wanted to go and make our own cup noodles at the cup noodle factory but apparently its super popular and you have to book months in advance. Maybe next time.

Okonomiyaki catch ups with beer and sake.
Dotonbori in the rain.
Haha just because this photo is awesome.
Asahi Brewery, if not because its awesome, then because you get three free beers afterwards.
Megan’s first taiyaki this time in Japan…what has she been doing!?!
Waiting in line for tickets to the sumo tournament.
Scream like you are a sumo fangirl, i know i did.
Sizing them up. These were some of the small boys.
Sneaking some expensive front row seats for some preliminary bouts.

From Osaka, again on the train to continue down to Hiroshima for a few days. Visiting the Atomic Bomb Memorials and Museum while exploring the city and taking in all the beauty it had to offer as the sun came out for us.

A bomb dome. A building right near the epicenter that survived the blast.
An afternoon trip to Miyajima Island to see Itsukushima Shrine and hike the small mountain.
Afternoon views from the top.
The whole place to ourselves with beautiful sunshine.
Sunset views of Itsukushima Shrine.

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