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Japan – Winter is over…

The last month has seen some amazing snow in Niseko then lots of warm weather as we progressed through March. In the last week, it finally felt like the season had come to an end for me with running water everywhere from the melting snow, the roads bare asphalt and dirt patches becoming more prevalent. So with good timing, I packed up my gear and posted my snowboard bag off to the airport to allow me to do a little Japan travel before heading back to Australia.

A great weekend in Sapporo started off my travels. Night #1 featured all-you-can-eat and drink at Sapporo Beer Hall, then the following day was filled with katsu-don (fried pork cutlet with rice, always a favorite), the Lion King Musical and progressive dinners with craft beers and then more all-you-can-drink while stuffing ourselves at an amazing izakaya. A lazy morning followed before making my way to the airport to fly to Tokyo.

Sweet view of Mt Yotei from the Gondola Base.
Sapporo Beer Hall.
The all you can eat spread at the Sapporo Beer Hall. Not even close to all that we ate.

I only really had one full day in Tokyo, with a bit either side. That full day was a beautiful 16°C and I started the sunny day by joining the Japanese early morning runners and doing a lap of the Emperor’s Palace.

I then took a stroll from my hostel over to Senso-ji Temple where i lucked upon some dragon festival. I couldn’t resist the food stalls catering to the hustle and bustle of tourists and so treated myself to some okonomiyaki. From the temple i continued my leisurely stroll through the streets of Tokyo and made my way to Ueno Park to view the first of the spring cherry blossoms in Tokyo.

For the afternoon i made my way to Harajuku to see some Harajuku fashion and wander some of the shops, making my way back to Shibuya Crossing. Some ramen for dinner and people watching over the crossing capped off a great day.

Now off to see Megan for a few days and travel down to Hiroshima.

Views of the Emperor’s Palace on my morning run.
Beautiful Tokyo as I wander around.
Senso-ji Temple pumping on a Sunday.
Dragon parade!!
Okonomiyaki street food style.
The first of the Cherry Blossoms.
More Cherry Blossoms at Ueno Park.
Shibuya Crossing.

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