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Japan – Get all the food in my belly

Arriving in Japan to udon noodles in the airport and tempura (featured image above) is a good way to start a trip. And it only gets better from there…

Ramen and gyoza.
Spicy ramen yummmmm.
Soup Curry in Hirafu.
Free work dinners. Fancy hot pot greatness.

Free sweet samples throughout Otaru with more great food and delicious umeshu in Hakodate.

The seafood market sashimi spread for lunch in Otaru.
Clockwise from top left – burgers and shakes at Lucky Pierrot, cheesecake and coffee, squid ink gyoza, deep fried mochi balls all in Hakodate.
Clockwise from top left – mochi with anko, potato broth soup curry, homemade sashimi and gyoza, milk kobo cream puff all in Hirafu.

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