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Australia – Home Time

Being back in Australia was a weird feeling, all the more so from being in limbo between travels. Even with this, it was great to see everyone and I’m sad to be moving on to Japan so quickly.

I spent a few days on the Gold Coast sorting out my belonging from storage, its crazy how much unneeded stuff is accumulated and then kept because we think its important. From there it was down to Sydney to see my family and have a party for Nan’s 90th birthday. It was great to spend some time staying at her house and seeing everyone else.

Sweet homecoming greetings from Susie.
Cheesecake birthday celebrations.
Dad, Cody and I sitting at the big boys table.
Hangs with Cody.
The little mischief-maker.
Bondi sculptures by the sea.
Cutting the cake at Nan’s surprise 90th.
Play play play.

From there it was back to the Goldy to sort out the Japan visa and then again to Nowra for my mum’s wedding. After a few days around Nowra and hanging with Trist I went back with him to Melbourne for a week working with Dad like a good little work experience kid.

Photos at Mum’s wedding. What a great day.
The little man looking dapper.
The four boys always having a laugh (ft. Cody).

Now I’m off to Japan to start the season in Niseko. Lets see what this brings!!

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