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16hrs in Singapore

From Athens it was a harmless flight into Singapore even though we arrived at like 330am. A couple of hours sleep on the airport floor and then we were off to explore the city and eat some dim sum!!

Dim sum breakfast on a Sunday is apparently very popular.
Only a portion of what we ate, so delicious.
First time eating Liu Sha Bao.
Salted egg yolk custard centre was unreal!!

Braving the heat and humidity of the city to explore Gardens by the Bay.

Gardens by the bay.
Supertrees, probably even prettier at night all lit up.
Marina Bay Sands.


Back to air conditioned mall comfort.


Street vendors selling ice cream sandwiches. I got red bean but opted for wafers instead of a slice of bread.
Delicious Imagawayaki filled with all sorts of things.
Red bean taiyaki. Yummmmm.
The line up for these gems was impressive.


And finally a visit to the National Museum of Singapore which was amazing.


Story of the Forest exhibit at the National Gallery was unbelievably good.

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