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Montenegro – Hiking Bobotov Kuk

In the middle of our time in Montenegro, we travelled across the country to Žabljak in preparation to hike Bobotov Kuk (a mountain) in Durmitor National Park. The day was clear and beautifully sunny as we ascended, starting around 7:30am from Sedlo. We braved the cold winds whipping up the mountain and through the saddles as we scrambled along ridges and wove our way up bare rock faces to the summit.

The views were unbelievable and we were the first ones of the day to reach the top (in just 2hrs) where we took a break to soak up the 360 degree views at 2523m. The descent was a little trickier with the scree making loose footing on the way down but we still made great time, arriving at the Black Lake just before 2pm.

Megan and Mitch trekking along.
Slowly winding our way up through the hills.
Stopping to take in the amazing scenery.
At the top of Bobotov Kuk.
Just some tasty burek to fuel the day.
Starting the descent.
Hello horsies!!

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