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Honduras – Freediving and Volcanoes

Arriving back on the Island of Utila to much excitement for learning to freedive. Day 1 was our introduction to learning and practicing the fundamentals, including breathing techniques and different ways to equalise were day one of the course. Day two was in the water, diving to 12m and a max of 1.5min breath hold. Day three we were excited and nervous but made it to 21m surprisingly easy. We dove near a ship wreck which was awesome to look at as we practiced our diving and making friends with curious remora sharks. We treated ourselves to a lemon meringue pie from the awesome bakery on the island and also a dinner at Mango Tango, complete with lobster ravioli, seafood stew and a glass of wine each.

Sunsets on Utila.
Romantic Dinners.

We decided to hot-foot it on to Guatemala for Blake’s last few days and so caught the ferry back to La Ceiba. We stayed a night at the dodgiest hostel I’ve ever been in and then got on a shuttle at 1am through to Antigua. We hiked Volcán Pacaya and roasted marshmallows over the still hot solidified lava.

Bus rides across countries.
Roasting some marshmallows over still hot solidified lava.
Just walking around lava fields.
Blake being pretty stoked with his pastry choice.

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