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Honduras & El Salvador 

A night stopover in Mexico City and then we landed in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The heat and humidity when landing back in Central America was like a slap in the face. Instant sticky, sweaty skin and damp clothes. But as different from Canada that it was, it was still amazing to be in shorts and a t-shirt and I’m absolutely itching to get in the ocean for a swim.

From San Pedro Sula, it was a long bus out to La Ceiba for the night (where I ate the most amazing pork baleadas) and the early ferry the next morning to Utila. Utila is famous for its diving and for being one of the cheapest places in the world to do your open water PADI. The next week was spent doing the PADI course and swimming every day to escape the heat. Back off the island on the morning ferry and a day full of buses got us to Santa Rosa De Copan where we stayed for two nights while exploring the town and surrounds.

Getting off the ferry at Utila.
Back into those tacos!!
The pool at our hostel.
Sunsets over the Caribbean.
Honduras mainland in the distance.
Our group doing the PADI course.

Another day of buses took us to the border of El Salvador at El Poy and then an easy walk across and more buses. We stopped for lunch at La Palma and broke the bank with an iced coffee each. That night we finally ended up in Santa Ana. Ladies blowing kisses greeted us as we went looking for dinner from the hostel located in the red light district.

We woke up early the next day and went out to Volcan Santa Ana to hike up to the crater. To call it a hike is a bit of a stretch as it was only a few kilometers from the trail head to the crater. Clouds blocked most of the view of the valleys below but it was clear looking down into the crater and seeing the sulphur green water bubbling away. We hitched a ride home with some locals, riding in the tray of their ute in the pouring rain. We stopped for some afternoon tea, hot coffee, pupulsas and fried banana balls with cream in the centre. Yummmmm!!!!

Entering El Salvador.
Hiking Santa Ana.
Walking the rim of Santa Ana.
Views of the bubbling sulphuric water in the crate.

From Santa Ana we went to Juayua for a few nights, with a coffee processing factory tour thrown in for good measure. This was interesting and fun, all the more for us deciphering it from the spanish-speaking guide. A foggy day and a weekly food festival gave us some good food on the day we left to San Salvador.

Coffee processing ladies.
Coffee taste test.
Waterfalls outside of town.
Foggy days as we leave town.

San Salvador felt completely dodgy after sunset so we tried to limit our activities to daytime only. One evening was spent at a local Luche Libre (Mexican wrestling) which was absolutely amazing. Just a small venue in some parking garage where the fighters went all at it, getting thrown into the crowd and the crowd going wild for it.

From San Salvador we hooked off to the beach, El Cuco for a day and then off to Nicaragua.

El Cuco and coconuts.
Walk home along the beach.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jano

    Dan, great photos buddy. Such a super insight to your travel locations. Well done with the efficiency too.. boom ?

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