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Canada – A little of this and that. 

With around a month left in the season, the temps have started to climb and all the snow and ice started to melt. Little rivers dripping from the roofs and running down the streets each day as the snow slowly disappears. One positive of this is that the bears have started waking up from their winter hibernation so hopefully I’ll soon get to see one.

Another cross country skiing adventure with the housemates and friends, this time out to Pipestone Lake and Mud Lake a little outside of Lake Louise. The warm temps and sunshine made for a glorious day and we all ate lunch pre-made by Johannes on the edge of Mud Lake, looking over the snow covered lake and mountains in the background.

This week was Johannes last week at the lake, marking the first of our apartment to pack up and leave. His visa ran out and so he had to move on to his next adventure. It’s going to be strange not having him around after 6 months of living together. Hopefully a catch-up for Octoberfest is on the cards later this year.

The hill getting some serious snow.
Hitting those moguls with fresh pow.
Taking a rest after hiking summit.
X-Country skiing.
Pipestone Lake.
Making tracks across Pipestone Lake.
Lake Louise village.

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