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Canada – Cross country skiing and torchlight.

Highlights of February besides boarding and the return of Andy-boy at the end of the month were the torchlight night and a cross country skiing adventure with my housemate Johannes.

Torchlight was on February 14th, Valentines day and Megan was all booked in to go with her ski school friends if she was given the all clear by the doc. Unfortunately her broken collar-bone wasn’t ready and so I gallantly stepped in and filled her spot. We took the last gondola to the top of the mountain as the resort closed and boarded down to Whitehorn Lodge on dusk. We got two free drinks and canapés as we were entertained by a live country duo and watched the sunset over the rocky mountains.

We then boarded back to the base of the mountain and met up with Megan to have dinner in the Lodge. The spread of food was pretty incredible with oysters and salmon on offer which I took full advantage of. I may also have eaten more than my share of crème brulee for dessert and couldn’t move for the next half an hour.

The other highlight this month was finally hiring some cross country skis and heading along the trails up to the Lake and back. Johannes and I left around 3:30pm and returned in the dark at 7:30pm. It was 4hrs of laughter and sweat while trying not to fall over and then raced the setting sun home as we sped downhill back into town.

Sunsets in the mountains.
Ice bar on the deck.
Torchlight party and limbo!
Down the mountain on dusk.
Flares lighting the way down for torchlight.
The dinner spread.
Creme brulee.
Cross country skiing with Johannes.
Views from the top!!
Top of summit platter!!

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