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Canada – Thanksgiving and Snowmaking

A Canadian Thanksgiving, not sure if we did it right because not one out of the 6 of us were from Canada but we had a great time anyways! We had baked camembert and cranberry sauce for entrée then roast chicken and stuffing with cranberry sauce or gravy, roasted sweet potatoes and a green bean, almond and feta salad as the main and pecan pie and ice cream for dessert. Needless to say, this was delicious and it went down even better with some beers chilled in the outdoor fridge (in the winter cold outside). We even held hands around the table and said what we were thankful for albeit with much laughter.

After that we jumped on some push bikes (I dinkied Megan on the handlebars) and rode over to another apartment to join another post thanksgiving dinner gathering.

Baked camembert and cranberry sauce entrée.
Everyone sitting down at Thanksgiving dinner (minus Megan the photographer).

The day after Thanksgiving dinner I was scheduled to start work with an orientation at the ski lodge. Megan and I jumped in the car while still dark (sunrise isn’t until after 8am) and freezing cold and drove up to Lake Louise. I spent a day in orientation, a day learning the job in the control room, a day walking all over the mountain and removing electric bear fence and another day in the control room before a day off and now starting shift roster on Sunday. The first day in the control room was absolutely stunning and we walked up the mountain from the base to the control building halfway up. The views back across to the Fairmont Chateau and the lake were beautiful. Since then though, we have had clouds and snow every day. Now to start making snow to supplement the natural stuff!! My roster is I work Sunday to Tuesday  (night shift 8pm to 8am) and then Sunday to Wednesday (day shift 8am to 8pm).

The view on the hike up the ski slopes to work.
My new office.
Inside the office.
Going to be riding these to and from work soon.

Here are a couple of photos of the staff accommodation. Charleston Residence (Chucktown) is one of three residences for staff. This is the one for newbies and people at the bottom of the food chain (including me). 7 people in this apartment in three single rooms and two rooms with two single beds. The have two bathrooms with a toilet and shower in each one and a small kitchen and living room.

My bedroom.

Kitchen and living room.

Charleston Residence. Pretty much three stories of rowdy ski resort workers.
The building common room.

When I started work, Megan had a couple of days left in Canada before she took flight to San Fransisco where she met up with a friend of hers. Her USA and Chile adventures start now!

Megan, Lisa and mimosas.

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