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Guatemala – School’s Out!

The independence week finished with another concert and then a quiet weekend recovering from lots of partying.

Finishing up independence week with a second concert.
We danced the night away to some great bands!
Group breakfast during the week. Yum yum.
Hangover food – Guatemalan style bacon and egg muffins.

This week gone was our last week at school and now we’re packing up to go to Lake Atitlan for a few days before flying to Canada. The last of the job fairs for the snow season are at the start of October so I’m hitting those up and hoping for some immediate work.

Just as a side note, it’s already snowing in Banff!!

This week I’ve also been trying to tick off all the things on my to do list for Xela before we leave. My list has included another trip to the second-hand clothes store for some warmer clothes but it mostly revolves around eating as much as possible of all the delicious things that I will miss.

Bye bye school, it’s been fun.
Last day in school.
Megan and Julio, her first teacher. We will miss these guys!
Megapaca – the second-hand clothes outlet. We’ve made some amazing finds here.
Xela getting ready for another celebration. This one is about the Virgin Mary. A big line of crackers all joined together to go off.
Banana pastilitos, soo delicious.
Eating chimichurri chicken at Tobitos food truck.
Literally can’t get enough of this BBQ place. They only serve the one thing but in different sized plates. Hands down best restaurant in Xela.

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