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Guatemala – Independence Day Celebrations 

15th of September, one of the biggest days on the Guatemalan calendar. They’ve been ramping up the party atmosphere and activities for the last week and now it’s time to party!!

Everyone has been setting up stands, food stalls, decorations and attending parades and music events all over the city. Megan and I went to the show (fair) with the other students from school and spent a night drinking beers and going on rides. It was a great night, especially when I had some churros filled with sweetened condensed milk and caramel!

Games and rides!!
Megan chomping some corn on a stick.
About to go up on the swing things for an awesome night-time view.
Round and round we go.
Cervezas (beers) three, one litre bottles for Q25 (AUD $4.40)
Churros for me!!

Wednesday, the 14th of September has everyone packed into the city for a massive parade and then a party all night until they ring in the 15th at midnight with fireworks and cheering. It’s pretty much non stop bands and groups of people marching along the street from 4pm until 2am.

There was also a massive music festival in another part of the city which rivaled any I’ve been to in terms of the number of people. We went there for a few hours to have lots of beers and dance.

Bands and parades, lots of fun!
A sad clown.
At the music festival.
Fire fire fire!
Having a good time.
Half the crew.

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