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From Belize into Flores, Guatemala via bus. No problems here and a couple of days spent exploring flores and the water around the tiny Island as well as a day trip out to Tikal ruins.

Next we went out to the coast and stayed on the river Rio Dulce for four nights. Other than the many mosquitos, this place was amazing. We took a double kayak and paddled the hour and a bit down the river to the nearby settlement in the area, Livingston. The main drawcard of Livingston was to see the local Garafuna culture and eat their seafood stew. We also took a trip to a nearby cave called tiger cave and climbed down into it before jumping off a ledge into the underground stream and swimming further down into the darkness to explore.

After Rio Dulce we hot tailed it to Xela where we’ve based ourselves for the next few weeks to do spanish lessons  (5hrs a day, Monday to Friday). We are planning to do a couple of volcano hikes and a trip out to the biggest market in Central America which is a couple of hours away by bus.

Sunset from Flores.
Sunset from Flores.
Paddling out to the rope swing near Flores.
Paddling out to the rope swing near Flores.
Tikal ruins.
Tikal ruins.
A little pet at Tikal. Blake would love it.
A little pet at Tikal. Blake would love it.
Our hostel on the Rio Dulce.
Our hostel on the Rio Dulce.
That holiday life.
That holiday life.
Xela. Cold, oh so very cold!
Xela. Cold, oh so very cold!
Getting a trim for less than $2 AUD. Bargain.
Getting a trim for less than $2 AUD. Bargain.
Back to school. I've been dreaming about spanish words and sentences every night since starting.
Back to school. I’ve been dreaming about spanish words and sentences every night since starting.

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