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Mexico – The winding road

By winding road I mean I’m stuck in the back of a crowded and overheated bus willing myself not to throw up as we careen along this extremely bumpy (mexico loves speed bumps EVERYWHERE), curvy road through the mountains. Not a pleasant experience.

Travel the last couple of weeks has been difficult. The teacher strikes are blocking roads all over the country, preventing travel and stopping things like petrol and food being distributed across the country. Everywhere we see people lining up for more than 12hrs to buy dwindling supplies of petrol which in turn is impacting available buses to where we want to go. Given this, and advice from other travellers and expats, we have opted to fly a couple of legs of the journey, interspersed with jumping in with the locals on their minibuses between towns.

So after Oaxaca we caught the bus into the mountains to stay at San Jose del Pacifico. We had to walk through a few blockades and swap buses to get past road blocks and men with machetes, then walk the last couple of km’s but it was well worth it.

We spent two days here, hanging out with people in the hostel and eating the local delicacies then walking in the mountains. The town is high up in the mountains and the clouds continue to roll in and cover us up in impenetrable white before suddenly clearing to breathtaking vistas of the valley and other mountains.

View from the hostel
View from the hostel
More views
More views
Clouded in
Clouded in
Local specialty - mushroom tea
Local specialty – mushroom tea
Magical walk in the mountains
Magical walk in the mountains
Local mumma making us some delicious food after our trip into the mountains
Local mumma making us some delicious food after our trip into the mountains
Hot chocolate in the cold and rain!
Hot chocolate in the cold and rain!

We then bussed it out of the cold and down to the coast for some searing heat and fish tacos at the beach. The swell was picking up and coincided with the Puerto Escondido Big Wave Challenge surf comp. The waves didn’t look that big from the beach until the surfer dropped in on the standard 30ft sets and looked like a tiny dot on the face of heaving water.

A nice evening on the beach
A nice evening on the beach
Everyone out to watch the surf comp
Surf comp – pictures don’t show how insane these waves were.
A little Cove to swim in!
A little Cove to swim in!
Waiting all trip for some fish tacos! They did not disappoint.
Waiting all trip for some fish tacos! They did not disappoint.
Cocktails on the beach at Mazunte.
Cocktails on the beach at Mazunte.
Spent a night sleeping in little fly net bungalows on top of a mangrove swamp.
Spent a night sleeping in little fly net bungalows on top of a mangrove swamp.

Finished at the beach and took a plane/bus/taxi/van/walked to San Cristobal. Lovely town, it’s a pity I spent a couple of days sick here so only got two of the four days out of the hostel. Met up with some friends and carved up the dance floor to some awesome reggae band while getting plied with tequila. It was probably the tequila that made me think I was busting out some good dance moves. We also took a day trip to Canyon del Sumidero which was awesome.

So happy with my purchase! Passionfruits and lychees!
So happy with my purchase! Passionfruits and lychees!
Love the local markets!
Love the local markets! She doesn’t seem to as much.
Yum yum yum
Yum yum yum
Tacos every day keep the doctor away...
Tacos every day keep the doctor away…
Canyon boat ride
Canyon boat ride
The canyon in over 1km from clifftop to water in some places.
The canyon is over 1km from clifftop to water in some places.
Some friends wanting you to come swimming.
Some friends wanting you to come swimming.
San Cristobal sunset.
San Cristobal sunset.
Just chillin.
Just chillin.

Next we braved it and navigated ourselves to the town of Palenque and found a hotel so we could visit the ruins the next day. The ruins were impressive but the highlight was seeing a family of howler monkeys in the trees, complete with big heffas and little babies jumping from branch to branch.

Palenque ruins.
Palenque ruins.
Couldn't get a decent monkey shot, sorry.
Couldn’t get a decent monkey shot, sorry.

We are now in Cancun, relaxing after some pancakes for breakfast and booking our whale shark swim tour for tomorrow. Yippee can’t wait!

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