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So happy with my purchase! Passionfruits and lychees!


A day of transit from JFK airport into Mexico City!

Tacos were one of the first things on the agenda. We had been avoiding Mexican food in the US knowing we would soon have the real thing and it hasn’t been a disappointment. Creamy avocado and ripe tomato on little tortillas with spiced meat, topped with your choice of salsa, guacamole, beans and mexican chili sauce have been on every street corner. Megan and I have been playing a game of how many we can eat in a day! Most days this is accompanied by beers which are ridiculously cheap with the most we’ve paid being 20 pesos ($1.50).

Explored the city with a free walking tour and learned some of its history. That night was spent watching Mexican wrestling which is the second biggest sport behind soccer. It was a brilliant night in the stands with the locals drinking coronas and cheering on the favourites. Also braved the public transport system to catch the train and buses out to Teotihuacan Pyramids. These were awesome and we got out there early before all the tour buses, having the pyramids almost to ourselves. The view from the top of the sun pyramid was amazing.

Now in Oaxaca where there are some serious local protests going on. Plans are to head into San Jose in the mountains tomorrow then down to the coast.

How many tacos can you eat in a day?
How many tacos can you eat in a day?
Teotihuacan Pyramids
Teotihuacan Pyramids
Trying some mezcal shots
Trying some mezcal shots
Luche libre - a great night at Mexican wrestling
Luche libre – a great night at Mexican wrestling
Oaxaca, the home of mezcal.
Oaxaca, Mexico
Oaxaca city
Oaxaca City

Last night in Oaxaca and it seems like the local protests are reaching boiling point. On the way to Oaxaca a few days ago our bus got diverted to this other town because of protest road blocks. Today in the city that we were diverted through, the protests turned violent and there was a clash between the police and protestors.

They are in the streets in Oaxaca tonight making petrol bombs and lighting fires to stop the military/police getting into the city. People wearing masks over their faces starting to smash up the streets and carry around weapons.

Smash smash smash
Smash smash smash
Blocking off intersections
Blocking off intersections
Fires all across the centre of the city
Fires all across the centre of the city

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